Livestock Studies 1980, Vol 20, Num, 3-4     (Pages: 067-088)

The spermatological properties of semen and results of fertility of frozen Angora Goat semen


- This study was made to investigate the spermatological properties of the semen and fertility of the frozen semen of Angora Goat. For this purpose 5 sires and 40 dams kept under optimum feeding conditions.

Estimated average semen volume in 43 ejaculates of 5 sires was 0.98 cc varying from 0.4 to 2.0 cc. Average motility of the spermatozoa estimated in the fresh semen was 86 % varying between 70 and 90 %. Average spermatozoa concentration of the semen was 3.674 x 106 in 1 cc. Varying between 1.660 x 106 and 5.200 x 106. Estimated abnormal spermatozoa was 2.3 % in average. The abnormal spermatozoa head without tail was in the rate of 0.60 % and turned tail was the rate of 0.40 %.

Egg yolk and natrium citrate diluter that consist 7 % glycerol was used to freeze the Angora Goat semen. The semen that was prepared in 0.25 cc straw which contains about 50 x 106 spermatozoa for one inseminating dose and froze in liqued nitrogen at –196 ºC.

The dissolving motility of the frozen semen at 34 &orm;C just after the freezing and 48 hours later was between 40 and 55 %.

Angora Goats were inseminated intra servically two times in one heat period by the frozen semen. Number of pregnant goats were 15 out of 40 and estimated rate of pregnancy was 37.5 %. The rate of birth was 22.2 % with 9 kids obtained. Keywords :