Livestock Studies 2001, Vol 41, Num, 1     (Pages: 095-104)

Using Hormon in Cattle Embryo Transfer

Numan AKYOL 1

1 Hayvancılık Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Lalahan/ANKARA - The main goal of farm animal embryo transfer is to produce superior offspring via the uterus into which embryos are transferred from donors having excellent genes, strong constitutions and superior traits. Embryo transfer rapidly improves animal quality, increasing benefits in livestock industry.

A cow may, for instance, bear seven or eight calves at most even though it has to 75.000 to 300.000, primordial follicles in the ovaries soon after birth. Superovulation enables a donor cow to have more than one embryo at a time, and these embryos are transferred to recipient to produce seven or eight calves. As a result superovulation plays a major role in embryo transfer. Keywords : Embryo Transfer, Hormon, Superovulation