Livestock Studies 1997, Vol 37, Num, 2     (Pages: 064-075)

A Research on the use of barley/wheat with supported vegetable oil and enzyme instead of corn in the meat type Turkey rations

Ö. Faruk ALARSLAN 1 ,Safak POLATSU 2 ,Hülya ÖZDEMİR 3 ,M. Rıfat OKUYAN 3 ,Necati IŞIK 3

1 Doç. Dr., Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Zootekni Bölümü, Dışkapı/ANKARA
2 Dr., Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Zootekni Bölümü, Dışkapı/ANKARA
3 Arş. Gör. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Zootekni Bölümü, Dıskapı/ANKARA
- İn this experiment, substitution was investigated of wheat/barley (70/30) that no contained enzyme and added enzyme instead of corn in the meat type turkey rations.

Five ration which was one of control and four of experiment of these were prepared for two feeding phase, seperately and as izonitrogenic and izokaloric (19 % CP and 31 00 ME Kcal/Kg for ist feeding phase and 16.50 % CP and 3200 ME Kcal/Kg for 2 st feeding phase).

The value of performances were established as following: live-weights (kg): 9840, 9155, 8920, 891 0 and 9240; live-weight gains (g/d): 76.25, 73.93, 72.86, 73.39 and 75.80, daily feed consumptions (g/d); 374.80, 379.80, 357.50, 373.90 and 393.70 feed efficiencies: 4.967, 5.180, 4.946, 5.133 and 5.333 carcass yields (%): 76.14, 74.91, 76.37, 76.63 and 77.26.

There were no significant differences between the value of performances belong to groups, at the and of the experiment. Keywords :