Livestock Studies 1998, Vol 38, Num, 1     (Pages: 041-048)

A Research on the Effects of Only Barley Ration Added Urea As A Protein Source on the Fattening Performance of Lambs

Birgül ÇELİK 1 ,Ö. Faruk ALARSLAN 2

1 Ziraat Mühendisi, ANKARA
2 Doç. Dr., A Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi, Zootekni Bölümü
- İn this experiment, the effects of only barley ration and barley + urea rations on the fattening performance of lambs were investigated.For this purpose, two experimental groups which consisted 8 lambs were conducted. First group was fed basal ration which include ground barley, vitamin and mineral mixture and the second group was fed an same ration that supplied with 2 % urea. Digestible crude protein levels of rations were 8.70 % and 12.81 %, respectively.

The experiment was continued 49 days. At the end of the experiment avarage daily live weight gains, feed consumptions and feed efficiencies were found; 273.47 g and 289.29 g; 1452.67 g and 1423.46 g; 5.310 and 4.920, respectively.

There were no significant differences between avarage daily live weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiencieny of groups. Keywords :