Livestock Studies 1971, Vol 11, Num, 1-2     (Pages: 028-039)

Urea and Beet Pulp with Molasses in Growing and Fattening Beef Cattle Rations

H. Servet ŞENEL

- This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of added urea to the concentrate ration at 2 % level on feed intake and efficiency gain dressing percentage and cost. Six Brown Swiss weighing 206 kg and ten Eastern Bed weighing 82 kg young bulls were used in each subgroup. While taking urea ration one of the subgroup of ecach breed group the other was having soybean oil meal as a protein supplement.

Brown Swiss Urea (BSU) and Brown Swiss Soybean (BSS) groups consumed 8.03 and 7.94 kg dry matter perday. It was 4.75 and 4.92 kg/day for Eastern Red Urea (ERU) and Soybean (ERS) groups respectively. Live weight gains for BSU and BSS were 1.175 and 1.356 kg/day; for ERU and ERS were 644 and 692 grams.

The amounts of feed required per kilogram of gain were 6.83 and 5.86 kg for BSU and BSS; 7.38 and 7.15 kg for ERU and ERS respectively. Dressing percentages were found same for Brown Swiss breed-groups; 59.35 and 59.36 % for ERU and ERS groups. Bone and meat rations were as falows 17.80 – 17.79; 16.81 and 16.55 %. No difference was detected statistically between the above values in the same breed. Also there was ne difference in taste between the ration groups. Urea containing rations produced gain more economically. Keywords :