Livestock Studies 1960, Vol 1, Num, 4     (Pages: 028-046)

Studies on the milk production of Southern Yellowish red cattle at Çukurova State Farm

Cemal Nadi AYTUĞ

- This study has been made to find out yearly milk production, the length of lactation period, average milk fat, distrubition of milk production to lactation months, effect of age on milk production, correlations and regressions between milk production in first lactation and maximum production ages in Southern Yellow-Red cows.

Material in this study is 216 cows from 52 families in Çukurova Stoc-Farm. Yearly milk production, the length of lactation period and distrubition of milk production for lactation months has been calculated on 41 cows which milked in 1958. Conversion, Corelation and Regression factors has been calculated on 60 cows milked from first lactation to fourth and 42 cows milked from fourth to Seventh. These cows were selected among 216 cows

Average milk yield of high producer cows is 2419.52 ± 84.2 litres. The corrected average milk production according to the ages is 2670.73 ± 87.88. Average lactation period is 274.4 ± 4.07 days and average milk fat is 3.515 ± 0.02 percent.

Milk production at thirth, fourth and fifth lactation months are higher than average but highest at thirth month.

Milk productions from fourth to seventh lactation (between 5 to 9 ages) are higher than others but it is maximum at fourth. Production decrases from seventh lactation.

There is 57.15 % positive correlation between milk production of first lactation and fourth. Regression factors of first lactation according the fourth is 0.4303 and regression factors of fourth according to the first is 0.7588. Keywords :