Livestock Studies 1960, Vol 1, Num, 6     (Pages: 009-022)

Studies on the body measurements of southern red cattles at Çukurova State Farm

Mazhar KUTSAL ,Cemal Nadi AYTUĞ

- This research has been prepared to find out numerotable bread standarts of body from in Southern yellow-red cow. Materials are body measures of 289 cows older than four years of ages in Çukurova Stock-Farm.

Type of bdoyd is dairy. Essential color is yellow red. Pigmentation is black. But some cows have white markings on their body and very few has pink pigmentation. Skin is loose, pliable and thin. Muscules are generaly lean. Bones are thin and long.

Under is well developed, but diferent in chape. Generally they dont extend forward and attachment is poor at fore. Texture is soft, pliable and elastic. Teats are not uniform usually.

Head is small, clean cut and revealing vigor. Forehead is shorter than face and broad between the eyes and moderately dished. Bridge of nose is nearly strait. Muzzel is broad with large open nostrils. Eyes are full and bright. Poll is weel defined. Horns are short, thin and different in shape

Body is long. The height of chest floor is longer than dept of barrel. Rump is higherthan witters and Back – line is not strait because of high rump and tail head. Barrel is long ann narrow. Ribs are wide apart and well degined. Rib bones are wide, flat and long.

Shoulder blades are not set smoothly against chest wall and witters. Witters is well defined. Back is long. Lois in long, wide end has moderate muscules. Abdomen is large with deep and wide fossa paralumbalis.

Rump is short acording to the body lenght. Hips, thurls and pin bones are well define. Os sacrum is short there fore tail head level is clearly higher. Tighs are lean and wide apart. Tail is long enaugh, tapering toward switch. Keywords :