Livestock Studies 1998, Vol 38, Num, 1     (Pages: 079-084)

Effects of Khriptorchidism on Spermatological Properties


1 Yard. Doç. Dr. A Ü. Vet. Fak., Dölerme ve Sun' i Toh. Ana Bilim Dalı, ANKARA
2 Doç. Dr., A Ü. Vet. Fak. Dölerme ve Sun'i Toh. Ana Bilim Dalı, ANKARA
3 Dr. K.K.K. Atlı Spor Eğitim Mrk. K.’lıgı
- Spermatological properties are investigated in stallion in spermes taken from a normal and one-sided cryptorchid stallion by was of artifical vagina. Mounting behaviour is also investigated. In the clinically normal stallion sperm amount, motility, dansity, abnormal and dead-live sperma rate, sperm pH are as follows 70.0 rnl, 75.0 %, 93.750 x 106 /ml, 16.0 %, 19.0 % and 7.5. n the clinically onesided cryptorchid stallion spermatological properties are as follows 56.0 rnl, 70.0 %, 120 x 106 /ml, 19.0 %, 22.0 % and 7.7 respectively. İn the three ejekulates taken extreme libido were observed spermatological properties in both stallions are under normal limits were as deat sperm rates in the stallion with cryptorchid are found higher. Keywords :