Livestock Studies 1974, Vol 14, Num, 3-4     (Pages: 003-011)

Utilization of Urea in dairy cattle rations

H. Servet ŞENEL ,Şakir TUNCER ,Kemal ALIÇ

- The effect of high level urea in the dairy cattle rations was studied using Brown Swiss lactating cows in a 3 x 3 latinsquare desing. Each experimental period consisted of a four-week transitions and one-week comparison periods. Rations were composed of 75 % wet beet pulp, 10 % wheat straw and 15 % concentrate mixture. The concentrates contained 0.4 and 7 % urea (% 46) respectively resulting in 8.44, 12.13 and 15.3 % protein in total rations. The milk yield (kg) milk fat (%) and protein (%) were as follows; 16.19, 3.17 and 3.34 for 0 % urea, 16.34, 3.53 and 3.42 for 4 % urea and 16.67, 3.27 and 3.52 for 7 % urea. The differences among the experimental groups were not found to be among the experimental groups were not found to be significant (P>0.05). Neither milk efficiency nor energetic efficiency was found of any significance.

The pH changes in ruminal fluid obtained 4 hour following the morning feeding was also found in significant. Keywords :